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Nov 2022–Dec. 2023

Senior Python Developer, Nano Energies

Key focus on designing and building a platform based on Apache Airflow for running portfolio optimization.

Involved in the design and implementation of a data platform, integrating data from various providers.

Developed tooling and established best practices for Python development.

Conducted code reviews to ensure quality and functionality.

Handled cloud-based DevOps tasks, including work with Kubernetes (AKS), Docker, and CI/CD pipelines.

May 2021–Sep. 2022

Quantitative Developer & Quant Dev Lead, Quantlane

Responsibilities: Leading development of automated trading strategies, software architecture, code reviews & mentoring, ensuring legal compliance, and maintaining high code quality.


Oct. 2019–Dec. 2020

Senior Full Stack Web Developer, Quantlane

Responsibilities: Participation in hiring process - interviewing and mentoring;

Python back-end development with mypy, asyncio, and django;

Front-end development using TypeScript, React, React Redux, and Redux-Saga;

Kubernetes cluster management


Oct. 2018–Sep. 2019

Web Developer, Scarfbot

Responsibilities: Python back-end development using django; Front-end development using React and MobX; Docker and Docker Compose


Oct. 2016–Jun. 2018

Watson Developer, IBM Czech Republic

Responsibilities: Front-end and back-end web development, IBM Watson Developer Cloud APIs, Technical lead of 8 developers from July 2017


Sep. 2015–Sep. 2016

Security Expert Internship, O2 Czech Republic

Responsibilities: Python development, Data analysis, VBA scripting

Projects: Network monitoring using Kibana by elastic, Authorship attribution using machine learning and stylometry




TypeScript, JavaScript, Node.js, HTML, CSS, Sass, Less

Frameworks: React, Redux, ReduxToolkit, Redux-Saga, Next.js, Astro, Gatsby

Other: WebAssembly using AssemblyScript


Git, Shell scripting (Bash), GitHub, GitLab, SSH


PostgreSQL, TimescaleDB, SQLite



Master’s Degree in Mathematics, Charles University
Prague, Czech Republic

Courses: Quantum Information, Numerical Algorithms, Computer Algebra,
Computational Complexity, Logic and Complexity

Research Grant: Algorithms for finding nonassociative quasigroups, 2017


Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, Charles University
Prague, Czech Republic

Courses: Object-oriented Programming, Application Programming in Java,
Theoretic and Applied Cryptography, Error-correcting Codes,
Number Theory and RSA, Data and Process Models


Drápal, Aleš, and Valent, Viliam. “Few associative triples, isotopisms and groups.”
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 86.3 (2018): 555-568.

Drápal, Aleš, and Valent, Viliam. “High nonassociativity in order 8 and an associative index estimate.”
Journal of Combinatorial Designs 27.4 (2019): 205-228.

Drápal, Aleš, and Valent, Viliam. “Extreme nonassociativity in order nine and beyond”
Journal of Combinatorial Designs 28.1 (2020): 33-48.

Side Projects


Oct. 2019–Present

Volunteer, Probuďme Nusle

Help with organizing community running races

Created website

Apr. 2022–Jun 2022

Full Stack Web Developer, Česko.Digital

Worked on Pomáhej Ukrajině project